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Re: Python assistance
On Sun, 2010-06-06 at 06:06 -0500, Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
> I'm looking for some help debugging a Python script called
> 'discspan.py' (see http://sourceforge.net/projects/discspan/). I'm
> trying to use it to create a spanned set of 14 DVD-Rs backing up the ~60
> GB of files in the F13 "Everything" supplement repo. Unfortunately this
> script crashes at the beginning of the second DVD-R. It crashes at the
> same place with the same error under RHEL5.
> The script isn't very long (~250 lines). Run it with 'test' to keep from
> actually burning discs. User input is simple:
> 1. copy the script to /usr/local/bin/
> 2. cd to the directory you want to back up
> 3. put a blank DVD-R in the drive and allow it to be recognized
> 4. run 'discspan.py test'
> 5. answer its prompts:
> a. Which directory? '.'
> b. <ENTER> to detect the DVD drive's device name
> c. Drive speed: '1' (see 'man growisofs')
> ...long listing of all files in directory...
> 6. press <ENTER> to begin burning disc #1
> ...another long progress output...
> 7. when tray ejects, R&R disc #1 with a blank, wait until recognized
> 8. press <ENTER> to begin burning disk #2
> oops!!!
> Anyone feel like taking a look? Edited transcript follows.
> --Doc
Follow up: I've been working with the developer and with a Python coder
on the Fedora user's list to bring discspan.py up-to-date. Release 0.2.0
on Sourceforge is a big improvement, but it's not 100% yet. Anyone using
it is advised to avoid DVD-R discs and use DVD+R instead, and use 4.365G
as the dvd_plus_r size spec in /etc/discspan.py. Also, be advised that
the disc counter starts with 0 and runs to n-1 where n is the total
number of discs in a span set.
This capability ups the total number of discs in a Fedora 13 set to 38:
17 DVDs and 21 CDs. I'll bring them to Saturday's SILUG meeting if
anyone wants to copy any or all.
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