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Re: Odd character sequence for text based program.
Ok, I guess I wasn't hitting ESC-[-8 fast enough. I spent sometime
today trying to figure out if this was some kind of escape sequence
but I guess I was thinking too far into it. When I hit this sequence
as fast as I could at the prompt, I was able to do what I needed to
How would I go about setting, say, F8 to send "<ESC>[8" to the terminal?
At Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:01:44 -0600,
Bill Purcell wrote:
> All,
> I am using a text based program through a ssh session that is
> installed on a RHEL server. The program instructions require that you
> use Attachmate's Reflection terminal emulator
> (http://www.attachmate.com/). The only reason I can think of for this
> is because Reflection allows you to map key sequences to a function
> key. In the set up of the program there are instructions to map F8 to
> a series of three characters ESC-[-8. I'm not sure if this is
> supposed to be an escape sequence or if it is actually literally those
> three characters. At any rate, how do I do something similar in gnome
> terminal, xterm, or another terminal emulator that I can install on my
> Ubuntu 9.04 desktop? xmodmap?
> I'm sure there was some misuse of terminology here but I hope I got my
> point across.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill
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