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New Member

Hello all!  Just thought I'd introduce myself.  My name is Scott
Duensing and I am the CEO (yea, big title) of Jaeger Technologies, LLC
here in Southern Illinois.  We focus on open source solutions for
blah, blah, blah....  Mainly, I'm a Linux geek trying to spread the
love.  :-)  After completely failing to find any like-minded folks
elsewhere, I hit up Google to see if there were any LUGs in the area -
turns out I can practically see the SILUG meeting location from my
office!  I'd say that's "in the area".  (Always did like seeing Tux
plastered on the front of the building.)

Anyway, I'm interested in pretty much anything and everything computer
related.  Open source is the big one.  I'm primarily an Ubuntu user,
but keep an eye on all the major players.  I settled on a Debian-based
distro because "emerge" takes too long and "rpm" hates me.  :-)

Do any of you hang out in IRC, or is this list the main meeting point
for SILUG online?  Thanks!


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