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Re: External HDD Format?
OK. I'm going to throw a flag here.
You have just hijacked this discussion thread. There's nothing in your
post that has the slightest bearing on this thread's subject line. If
you want to ask for help on a particular subject, please do us the
courtesy of opening a new discussion thread. And don't be surprised if
you don't get any other response to this hijacking.
On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 19:39 -0600, RMStringer wrote:
> I am running UBUNTU 8.10 and need help. I have SAMBA installed. I have system on 40gig, and I have a 60gig and 100gig installed. I can set up shares on the root(40gig) drive and read/write from my XP Prosp2 box, but I cannot take ownership of the other 2 drives. They are mounted and I can open them, just no write ability. Also, the FSTAB file can be opened, but nothing is there. I have w-r permissions set in samba for the 60&100 gig drives, but cannot find how to use them. Windows can see them and I can make a network connection to them just not xfer files to them or save anything to them in Linux either as I do not own them and cannot figure out to get that done.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> RMStringer
> **************
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