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NTFS driver

Some time back we had a brisque dialog regarding the "best" file format
to use on an external USB hard drive. For maximum interoperability I was
(and still am) a proponent of NTFS *if* your needs are such that you
need r/w access and you're willing to buy a license for Paragon's driver

Over the weekend I learned something about that driver that potential
customers won't see on Paragon's web site:  it's s-l-o-w.  Last night it
took 1 hour 16 minutes to copy a 3.03GB FC5 DVD image from an external
USB2 drive with NTFS formatting. Copying that same file on my notebook
took less than 1/10th that time.

The cause of this slowness doesn't really matter if you need r/w access
to an NTFS drive/partition. Just don't be surprised by it.


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