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Re: rar and libstndc++.so.5
I just had the very same problem a week ago. I just ended up using
rar_static, which is the statically-linked version of rar w/
libstdc++.so.5. Just copy rar_static to /usr/bin/rar and it should work
just fine..
hbrhodes wrote:
> i rar'ed everything i needed to back up and i put fc4 on (was using
> fc3). when i finished the installation, i tried using rar again and it
> says there is no libstdc++ installed. i've found it, thing is there is
> no libstdc++.so.5. which is what it wants, so i made a link to
> libstdc++.so and named it what it wanted and put it in /usr/lib.
> still doesn't work.
> now my problem is that i need libstd whatever in order to use rar, or
> i can't get my information back, i'm wondering if anyone has a
> solution to this before i go and wipe my harddrive putting fc3 back on
> to fix this mess. : (
Jim Buitt
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