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Re: rar and libstndc++.so.5

remove that link you made

then "yum install yum compat-libstdc++"

the reason for the yum install yum part is that the yum that ships with fc4 doesnt like to do large upgrades, so it will get upgraded along with the installation of the .so.5 version of that lib.


On 3/15/06, hbrhodes <hbrhodes@gmail.com> wrote:
i rar'ed everything i needed to back up and i put fc4 on (was using
fc3). when i finished the installation, i tried using rar again and it
says there is no libstdc++ installed. i've found it, thing is there is
no libstdc++.so.5.  which is what it wants, so i made a link to
libstdc++.so and named it what it wanted and put it in /usr/lib.
still doesn't work.

now my problem is that i need libstd whatever in order to use rar, or i
can't get my information back, i'm wondering if anyone has a solution to
this before i go and wipe my harddrive putting fc3 back on to fix this
mess.  : (

bentley rhodes          | Southeast Missouri University
hbrhodes1s@semo.edu      | College of Nursing, Spring 2008.
                        | http://www2.semo.edu/nursing/

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