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Re: Mac OS X hacked in under 30 minutes
The issue is not so much that Apple makes the claim, but that Mac
users have grown over-confident since there have been no hacks until
recently. I am a Mac user, and work in a Mac shop, and while I think
the hack threat is serious, it has been very hard to convince my
coworkers. The typical response is something like, "security
experts have been saying it will come for years but never has so the
threat must be pro-Windoze/anti-Mac hype".
I think that while Apple has not jumped on that band wagon directly,
they HAVE allowed it to continue by saying nothing at all either
way. My fear, is that because of this attitude, when the day comes
that a truly nasty hack gets found or virus created, that the Mac
community will be devastated not because of the inability to harden
and protect their systems, but because of the failure on the part of
their users to take adequate precautions. :-(
On Mar 7, 2006, at 11:31 AM, Richard H. Fifarek wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Koree A. Smith wrote:
>> Have they purported their OS to be unhackable?
> To some extent, yes, which is unfortunate because it gives users a
> false sense of security (pun intended) and they tend to be less
> diligent about patches, safe computing practices, etc. There are
> some known issues on OS X that remain unpatched:
> http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/security/soa/
> Ancient_flaws_leave_OS_X_vulnerable_/0,2000061744,39234678,00.htm
> --
> Richard H. Fifarek
> rfifarek@fifarek.net
> -
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