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Re: silug-discuss

> does anyone know howto get to a non graphical interface so i
> can install that nvidia driver?

# init 3

Otherwise hit "e" at the GRUB menu and add "3" to the end of the
kernel line.  Do _not_ boot into run-level 1, the nVidia installer
doesn't like it because several services have not loaded.

> i tried using the preconfigured geforce 6200 driver that comes
> with FC4, but it doesn't work with the Cedega 5.1 program i
> downloaded (glide test and D3D test).

The nVidia logic after NV40 (AGP GeForce 6800), such as the NV44 in
the GeForce 6200, are not supported well by X11R6.x releases. 
They'll work, but they were written for the original NV40, not the
NV41-44.  The new X11R7 release in Fedora Core 5 supports all of the
NV4x releases as well as the current G7x products natively.

Another nice detail of the X11R7 release is that the drivers are now
_truly_modular_.  I.e., I'm sure Xorg-nVidia will release MIT
licensed 2D driver updates for X11R7+ within a few weeks of any new
card coming out.  Prior to X11R6.x, drivers were release-specific and
you had to rebuild for the exact release.

"Koree A. Smith" <koree@ameth.org> wrote:
> You can edit the /etc/inittab and set "initdefault" to runlevel 3. 
> Reboot, and you'll be in non-X goodness.
> I'm not sure why telinit wouldn't work.

# init 3

> As far as the nvidia driver goes, I have no clue.

You want to run it from run-level 3.  On kernel 2.6.x, it should have
_no_ issue installing.  There are even both command-line and GUI
tools for configuring the cards -- virtually equivalent to the same
ForceWare release on Windows.

Especially starting with ForceWare 80 (Linux 1.0-8xxx).

Of course, ForceWare 75 and later don't support anything before
NV11/17 (such as NV10/15).  You'll have to run that last ForceWare 70

(1.0-71xx) driver to support those 7+ year-old cards if you want GLX
(OpenGL over X11) support.

Bryan J. Smith     Professional, Technical Annoyance
b.j.smith@ieee.org      http://thebs413.blogspot.com
*** Speed doesn't kill, difference in speed does ***

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