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Re: Quake 4

> From: "Bryan J. Smith" <b.j.smith@ieee.org>
> Date: 2005/10/27 Thu AM 10:00:40 CDT
> William Underwood <wllmundrwd@charter.net> wrote:
> >
> > Man, will egos, I mean wonders, never cease... :-)
> Just what the heck does this have to do with "ego"?
> Fine, I won't post any damn suggestion _ever_ again.
> I'm tired of people picking on my suggestions.

Bryan, I was just messing with you; simple flamebait is all it was.  I apologize...

Please feel free to continue posting, in whatever manner you like, really...

> Bryan J. Smith 

Again, I apologize...

William Underwood

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