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Re: [silug-discuss]

On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 17:35 -0500, bentley rhodes wrote:
>     does anyone know can i use the terminal to print odd and even pages 
> from a openoffice.org text document to my printer?  or will i get 
> gibberish?  i found the HOWTO on www.tldp.org that tells me how to do it 
> from the command prompt, but it (or another) warns of printing a pdf 
> file to the printer directly.  so i wondered if it applied to the 1.9 
> OOo as well.
>     i tried setting the cups graphical printer to (filters) "page-set" = 
> "even", but when i applied it and then went to the writer program it was 
> tallying up all the pages and not just the even ones.

I use various print tools to send ps/pdf to printers all-the-time.

E.g., I typically write my books on 7.0" x 8.5" pages.  When I go to
print them, I sometimes want to be able to take the original ps/pdf and
generate a PDF of page 1 and 4 on the front, and page 2 and 3 on the
back, of a single 14" x 8.5.  That's how you soft-bind books (after a

I also like to use tools to resize the 7.0" x 8.5" output to 8.5" x 11"
pages for typical office binding as well, in the regular order.

Bryan J. Smith   b.j.smith@ieee.org      http://thebs413.blogspot.com
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will also penalize you similarly (to those below you, and then below
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least the same, if not a bigger, tax cut.  Otherwise is impossible.

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