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Re: Power supply tolerances

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 20:58 -0500, Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
> Going through my dad's Microtel again, and I've found something that
> just might be significant. From the BIOS's Hardware Monitor & Misc Setup
> screen:
> + 3.300V                  :+3.296 V
> + 5.000V                  :+4.811 V
> +12.000V                  :+12.032 V
> 5VSB                      :+4.838 V
> Does the +5V rail look a bit anemic to anyone?

Yes.  It's a good sign the +5V line might be trying to draw more current
than the power supply is rated for, hence why Voltage is dropping.
Of course, it's still within 5%, so it could just be a crappy PS too.

Bryan J. Smith                                 b.j.smith@ieee.org 
Beware of those who define their preference in terms of hate of
another option, and not on the positive merits of their selection

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