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printing in FC3

hey, i hope this hasn't been mentioned, but here goes.
	i am using paper, regular printing paper, that i have trimmed up to 
about 4.5" by 8.5".  i'm pretty sure that i know how to set the 
configuration file up under OpenOffice.Org, however, i tried setting it 
up under the
			system tools
	and it didn't show where i could 'customize' the paper settings.  all i 
see are options to set up for A4 or A5, or legal or letter, or something 
other abbreviations that don't make sense.  if there is a way to do this 
i humbly ask.  if one of those settings basically work, just say one 
does or i should look up the measurements of A5 or whatever settings!
	why?  k ... i have taken an interest in making handmade books.  i'm 
making the covers, spines (kinda) and such things that go into a book 
and i'm making them for college to take notes on.


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