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Re: Hard drive problem

Both drives are IDEthe other is 15G. Under Knoppix I can mount either drive,
and I created a persistant  home directory on hda2. Looking at properties of
hda, I can change both to writable, but saving a file directly to it doesn't
seem to work. But saving in the knoppix home does work, but after rebooting
open office comes up in german and the desk top is different. I tried
copying knoppix to the hd at boot   -  tohd=/dev/hda2   -but it wouldn't
write.  I don't remember what the partitions were on the 15G drive, i have
since then redone it with knoppix.  Yes, I can browse files on the hd, and
on the other one when in was in.
One thing I didn't try, reinstall windows and instal a dual boot.system.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel" <dascamel@gmail.com>
To: <silug-discuss@silug.org>
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: Hard drive problem

> On 5/6/05, Paul Cash <cash@globaleyes.net> wrote:
>> I'm not very knowelegable yet about linux, but i tried to instal fedora2
>> with no success on an old compaq.  the installation stopped at a 
>> different
>> place every time.  I also tried installing knoppix.  It runs fine from 
>> the
>> cd,  even the printer and internet.  But the konsole shows read write 
>> error
>> for all entries as the installation progresses. Once the installation
>> worked, but there were some parts that didn't function.  I thought there
>> might be something on the compaq hard drive that would be intended as a
>> requirement for reinstalling the original OS.  So I tried a 2G old hard
>> drive. I didn't have enough space for knoppix, but I tried a small
>> installation of fedora2. Just x and graphical internet selected. It went
>> through without any problem, but on rebooting, the computer said no OS
>> found. I ran knoppix and there is about 1.84G of data on the disk.
>> Part 1-ext3, active,10.73mb used,  part 2-ext3, not active, 1.36G,  part
>> 3-linux swap, 0mb.
>> Any ideas, what might work?
> What kind've of hard drive is the first HD; IDE, SATA.........
> What is the size of your first hard drive?
> What did your partitions look like on your first hard drive?
> Can you mount the either hard drive under Knoppix? And can you browse
> thru the files after mounting?  Can you mount it read/write and add a
> file with no problems?
> -- 
> Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
> minds.  -Einstein
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