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Re: wget
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 11:32:20AM -0500, bentley rhodes wrote:
> k .. i typed in 'wget http://soso.fake.com/file1.ext
> and it retrieved it. i read the --help file, and learned that there is
> a way to recursively search folders too. but what i can't figure out,
> is that if there is more than one file i want, like if there is
> file1.ext through file10.ext, what do i type in to get all those?
Take your pick...
wget http://soso.fake.com/file{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.ext
n=1; while [ $n -le 10 ]; do wget http://soso.fake.com/file$n.ext ; done
steve@silug.org | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
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- Follow-Ups:
- Re: wget
- From: Steven Pritchard <steve@silug.org>
- References:
- wget
- From: bentley rhodes <bntly.rhds@gmail.com>