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Re: Suggestions for and Exchange like system on linux...

how about lotus notes?
 : )

On Friday 25 February 2005 03:58, Ken Keefe wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a linux solution that
> performs the same tasks as Microsoft Exchange. Here are the main
> requirements:
>      1. Outlook Web Access – calendaring, task scheduling, full-
>         functional email client in a web browser.
>      2. Centralized management tools and reporting
>      3. An installation/configuration wizard that works very well & is
>         easy to use (big time saver)
>      4. Optomization for a single-server deployment (as opposed to roll-
>         your-own Windows DC/Exchange with startup/shutdown script hacks
>         & using ADSIEdit to modify parameters)
> I know that all this is available in separate modules that can be pieced
> together in a LAMP environment, but do you know of any monolithic
> solution?
> Thanks,
> Ken Keefe
> -
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