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Re: silug: IP address?

On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 06:51:06AM -0800, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> In fact, because of issues, Microsoft just flat out dropped complete
> pre-XP SMB protocol support in Windows Server 2003.  I.e., if your
> organization uses Windows Server 2003, you need to be _all_ XP clients
> or you will have varying issues.

I'm going to pull the FUD card here.

I know for a _fact_ that the latest minor release (i.e., the release
in effect after updates and service packs) of Windows 2000 can talk to
Windows Server 2003 SMB.

To start, I'm one of the student network admins at O'Fallon Township
High in O'Fallon, Illinois, that actually deals with some of the
integration tasks that show up from time to time, and I've seen
_nothing_ to dictate that Windows 2000 versteht nicht Windows Server
2003's SMB implementation.  Operation has been _flawless_, ACLs work
fine, etc.

And, yes, I'm _trying_ to petition District 203 to make the move to
have nothing but Linux in the NOC over there, so quit bugging me about
it.  I wish I could make them follow Shiloh's move, but unfortunately,
making them do _anything_ worthwhile is like trying to herd cats.

Nathaniel Reindl

    "Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt."
       (The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.)
			-- Ludwig Wittgenstein

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