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Re: Linux games/wine

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 14:41:36 -0600, NZG <ngustavson@emacinc.com> wrote:
> Got a bit of a break here between classes.
> What are some good linux games these days?
> What are some good wine supported games?
> Are any of you active linux gamers?
> (MMORPG's and RTS's are usually my cup of tea)
> thx,
> NZG.
> -
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Transgaming offers some options, if you want to see what is available
in the way of commercial gaming possibilities on Linux. It uses the
WineX project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/winex) to allow you to
play many commercial titles previously only available on Windows.

You can check out what is up at: http://www.transgaming.com/

Also, there are some companies that do native ports of commercial
games to Linux. Loki Games used to, but I don't know if they are still

The game company that brought you Doom and Quake, id software, is good
about working with the Linux community in porting its games.

Also, there is an unreal plethora, and I am *NOT* exaggerating even
slightly, of MMORPGs, MUDs, etc. that are developed on Sourceforge and
Sunsite by gamers on Linux, BSD, and Solaris. Some of the most
original (and therefore, in my opinion, worthwhile to play) are among

Freshmeat.net will show a healthy helping of client and server
software for these native online games, along with having things
categorized for you.

Then there is the old standby, Nethack ;)

At any rate, happy gaming :D

Ray McCord

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