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Re: KDE volume management

NZG wrote:

>I cannot get KDE to turn up the sound.
>It's volume management is incredebily non-intuative for some reason.
>I loaded the driver, turned up all the little levers on KMix, but it's still 
>very,  very quiet.
>I have the speakers turned up all the way, and I can hear it doing what it's 
>supposed to, but just barely.
>Has anyone else dealt with this?
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:) aRTS is piped through ALSA. So if alsa isn't turned up arts won't be 
either. Use the following command to change ALSA's volume.
#amixer set <dev name> <volume level 1-100> <mute/unmute>
To turn all your stuff up to ALSAs maximum use.
#amixer set Master 100 unmute
#amixer set PCM 100 unmute
#amixer set Mic 100 unmute
Please note that with everything at Max sound will be very ugly. You 
will have to tweak it to make it sound right. And you may need to do 
this as root. :)
    -- Kyle Pointer

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