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Re: Novell CLE, request for thoughts -- CLE

I guess it did change.
Thanx for the information!

Bryan J. Smith (currently mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From:  Bob T. Kat
Date:  04-12-9 14:03
To:  silug-discuss@silug.org
Subj:  Re: Novell CLE, request for thoughts -- CLE != CDE > CNE

On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 12:10:20AM -0500, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> The CLE is the _direct_ Linux equivalent to the existing Certified
> Directory Engineer (CDE).  What is the CDE?  It is an eDirectory
> services specific _virtual_lab_ for NetWare.  It basically challenges
> you to configure and troubleshoot an entire NetWare network using
> virtualized systems from an interface.  A simulation, but with real,
> full-up systems emulated.
> The pre-requisite for the CLE is the CNE, just like for the CDE.  In
> other words, you _must_ be a _current_ CNE.  Unlike the CNE, and like
> the CDE, the CLE will _kick_your_butt_ if you don't know eDirectory c/o
> of Novell's new Novell/NetWare Linux Services (NLS).

Um I believe this has either changed recently or you are incorrect. Taken
from this page: http://www.novell.com/training/certinfo/cle/index.html

under the heading of: how does someone become a Novell Certified Linux Engineer?

 One must only pass the Novell Practicum (050-685: Novell Nterprise Linux Services Exam) to become a Novell CLE. Course work is never required for this certification. However, using Novell authorized training materials for study (either through instruction or selfstudy) is an excellent way to prepare for the Novell Practicum exam.

Also if you look at the "roadmap" there is nothing mentioning CNE expertise
that is needed. 

I appreciate your explaination, although I have followed novell for years and
understand the prereqs to most of the exams they have, I'm sure it's helpful
for others.  My interest is in what people "think" about the cert and it's
value to ones resume.  I guess i'm asking "does it appear worth the time and 
effort"?  It's been said over and over again the LPI is a great cert and I'm 
definitly going to get around to taking the LPI-2 exams but I'm also looking 
at other avenues of certification.

Bob T. Kat

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