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Re: Novell CLE, request for thoughts -- CLE = CDE > CNE
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On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 15:45, Bob T. Kat wrote:
> I stumbled across the novell site a few days ago and noticed they have
> a new certification (well new to me anyway). I am wondering what other
> people think of the CLE they are offering and how it stacks up to anything
> else of relivance? After using novell for many years and never bothering to
> go for the CNE or CNA I'm thinking about taking this one.
Novell has 2 Linux certifications:
- Certified Linux Professional ([N]CLP)
- Certified Linux Engineer (CLE)
The NCLP is the _direct_ replacement for the former SuSE Certified Linux
Professional (SCLP). Novell completely _dropped_ the hastily released
SL103 exam -- which is supposedly a "Level 1" LPI-aligned exam, but it
had mega bugs IMHO (and a 640 passing rate out of 200-800, LPIC-1 are
typically 500 out of 200-800). Novell had their own practicum.
AFAIK there is no pre-requisite for the CLP. This was _unlike_ the
previous SCLP which had LPI Certified Level 1 (LPIC-1) as a
pre-requisite. The SCLP was aligned with LPI, the CLP uses its own
Novell-developed practicum. If you took and passed the SCLP before just
recently, you were automatically awarded the CLP.
The CLE is the _direct_ Linux equivalent to the existing Certified
Directory Engineer (CDE). What is the CDE? It is an eDirectory
services specific _virtual_lab_ for NetWare. It basically challenges
you to configure and troubleshoot an entire NetWare network using
virtualized systems from an interface. A simulation, but with real,
full-up systems emulated.
The pre-requisite for the CLE is the CNE, just like for the CDE. In
other words, you _must_ be a _current_ CNE. Unlike the CNE, and like
the CDE, the CLE will _kick_your_butt_ if you don't know eDirectory c/o
of Novell's new Novell/NetWare Linux Services (NLS).
The CLP has just recently become available after the short-lived SCLP
became available in late June/early July of this year. The CLE has been
available since late 2003 and Novell was offered it for free to current
CNEs for several months.
I'm personally waiting on NetWare 7, which will be released in two
1. System of Novell/NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs) atop of DPMI
DPMI = DOS Protected Mode Interface
NetWare, earlier OS/2 releases and 386Enhanced through "Chicago" (aka
MS-DOS7/Windows4 aka Windows 95/98/ME) all use
2. System of Novell/NetWare Linux Services (NLS) atop of GNU/Linux
Right now NLS for NetWare 6.5 is available as a bundle of services that
runs atop of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES).
Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith@ieee.org
Beware of advocates who justify their preference not in terms of
what they like about their "choice," but what they did not like
about another option. Such advocacy is more hurtful than helpful.
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