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Re: [OT] Arnold, MO area? Yea or Nay for short-term (2-3 weeks)?

I live near there have most of my live it is nice
place not far from the mall in melville,mo traffic
would be only a little heavy from exit -190 to 196 at
I-270 i would say yeah go Tim Sticht
--- silug-discuss-owner@silug.org <b.j.smith@ieee.org>
> Anyone know anything about the Arnold, MO area?
> It's about 17 miles south of downtown St. Louis,
along I-55.
> I'm considering it for short-term (i.e., 2-3 week)
> My apologies for my continued OT posts, and
responding off-list would be
> greatly appreciated.  I can't promise I won't do
this again, but I think
> I'm set if people think the area is nice.  One other
subscriber already
> turned me on to an apartment (that won't be
available until change of
> the month).
> -- 
> Compatibility and update matrix of Red Hat(R)
> Bryan J. Smith, E.I.                        
b.j.smith at ieee.org
> -
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