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Suggestions for shuttles? Volunteers?

Anyone in the metro-east have suggestions for shuttles (before I go rent a 

I need transportation for:

Wed : 7 ppl 9am & 6pm
Thurs & Fri : 6 ppl 9am & 6pm

I could also use volunteers for shuttling some of the LPI participants 
from the hotel to the train station (or airport) on Saturday.

Saturday - Steve Poe at 9:30am to Metro-link (flight 12:20p)
Saturday - Bryan Smith at 2pm to Metro-link (flight 5:00p)

Friday night we are planning a social, that will be open for attendance by 
the area LUG members.  The location will be determined next week.  
Wherever we decide to go, volunteers for carpooling would be appreciated.  

Kara Pritchard                          Phone: 618-398-7360
Director of Exam Development            http://www.lpi.org/
President, K&S Pritchard Inc.		kara@kspei.com

Participate in LPI Level 3 Exam Development!

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