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Re: Debian postfix question
Nevermind :) It was simpler than I thought. transport is your friend.
-Will Mulvihill
William Mulvihill wrote:
> Did the usual searchs and did not come up with the relevant answer to
> this question:
> There is a domain that I want to be able to send to and receive mail
> from. I can receive it just fine for my clients on my main email
> server. However, sending email through our main email server does not
> get delivered to that domain (the reasons are long-winded and boring
> (and not spam-related or anything sinister like that), but don't ask.
> It just can't be done). However, I have another email server where
> mail will get relayed on to that domain. I want to configure the main
> email server to forward any email going OUT to this domain to our
> secondary email server, and then the secondary email server will relay
> it on to the final destination. But yet I still want the main email
> server to accept INCOMING email from that domain for my clients.
> It would seem to be a simple matter, but I'm finding that its not.
> Thanks for your help.
> -Will Mulvihill
> -
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