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Re: startup options

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 10:36, Ray Holtz wrote:
> When I bootup Fedora 1, I would like a couple programs/services to start
> automatically.  how would I go about doing this?


If the service is listed in 'chkconfig --list', run 'chkconfig
<servicename> on' followed by 'service <servicename> on' to start it.

If not, use one of the entries in /etc/init.d as a template to create a
start/stop/whatever script. Then use one of the entries in /etc/rcN.d as a
template. The 2-digit numbers in the prefix of each of those scripts
determine the starting (SnnXXXX) or killing (KnnXXXX) order in standard
SysV initscripts style.

This is general guidance. Details depend on the service or program you
have in mind. Note that if you want a program (e.g. Mozilla, Evolution,
...) to start when you log in, that's done in another way. In that case,
check "Save current session" when you log out and any open applications
will restart the next time you log in.

Hope this helps.


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