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Re: Debian et. al.

HC> Xandros - that company has done really *weird* things to Debian.
M> Sounds like you're scared of "improvements" by labeling them
M> "weird". FUD, I tell ya. :=)

No argument here.  :-)

HC> My humble opinion is that Debian Sarge and Xandros 2 will be
HC> released within a month of each other. 
M> And a) what do they have to do with one another? and b) is that a
M> good thing or a bad thing?

Ahhh, didn't make myself clear at all.  Let's try again.  In the world
of Windows, Sarge and X2 would both be termed vaporware.  Anyone
sitting around anxiously waiting for them to be released would be well
advised to get a life.  The Debian project leader (is that what they
call him?) has indicated that he would like to release Sarge in
December 2003.  I don't think it's going to happen.  Last I looked
there were something like 700-800 bugs marked critical.  (!@#$%^&*
Sure wish I could remember what the URL is for that graph.) Similarly,
the time lapse between the release of X1 and X1.1 was...  Well, maybe
it wasn't as long as I thought.  I just checked the Xandros forum, and
it cranked up in November '02.  It sure feels longer.  Anyway, the
point is, GET A LIFE!  

M> X2 will be based on Sarge. Just as Libranet 2.8 is. 

WRT Libranet, what you say was true in the past.  But I think that
Libranet is getting even more agressive and is starting to pull
packages out of unstable.  Reading the posts on the Libranet forum, I
get the impression that apt-get update/upgrade starting from the
Libranet 2.8 base isn't always as smooth as hoped.  I think that I
would recommend beginning with an older version of Libranet and
updating to Woody or Sarge rather than purchase L-2.8.  I want to see
those guys succeed, but gut feeling is that installing L-2.8 is not
much different than installing Debian Sid.    

M> But hey, if you're not [Xandros] target customer, why is that so
M> unfathomable that you're not impressed with their product?

I'll try and round up a couple of specific posts on the Xandros forum
to answer that.  And I'm now quite sure that the Xandros forum has
been purged.  I went looking for my very first post on that board and
it's no longer there.  None-the-less, I remember it well.  Some guy
was stuck at 640x480 resolution and his question set on the forum
*literally* for 30 days without a response.  So I gave him the
standard Debian dpkg-reconfigure xfree86-comon / xserver-common /
xserver-xfree86.  A Xandros employee came back an hour or so later and
told me that those commands don't work in Xandros and he proceeded to
answer the original question.  Pissed me off...

HC> Lindows

M> Seconded. 100%. It's a shame Wal-Mart gives them more business than
M> they deserve.

Walmart has strong marketing. Lindows has strong marketing.  The two
organizations are complementary.  As you would ask: Is that a good
thing or a bad thing?

M> Also, [Libranet's] into their post-launch releases and have a
M> customer base - they can take the marketing risk of incorporating
M> more "edge" features.

It appears to me that requests from the customer base is what is
driving Libranet towards the "edge" features.

Mike> Why is only the "older version" [of Adminmenu] free, and the
Mike> current one not? Or do they change the license from non-GPL on
Mike> "their" stuff (just like the rest of the distros mentioned here 
Mike> do) and release it GPL after the next version comes out? 
Mike> (Effectively retro-actively "forking"> 

Rumor has it that the guys at Libranet like eating three meals a day
and living indoors and that kind of stuff.  I think that they actually
get snow up there during the winter. :-0  They don't make much off of
people like me, who install Libranet one time and are content to
apt-get everything from that point onward. 

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