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Re: LiteOn DVD burners

On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 05:25:13PM +0000, mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> What about a DVD+/-RW *burner*?
> Are they also "combo" CDR/RW readers/burners as well?
> Have we reached a point where reading and writing any media* can be
> done with a single piece of hardware?

Yes and no.  The DVD burners usually burn CDs at a really sucky speed
(12-16x).  52x32x52 CD burners are cheap enough now (<$50, I think)
that it still makes sense to have both, assuming you mostly burn CDs
and only occasionally burn DVDs.

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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