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Re: RH questions

Hello mike808,

Wednesday, October 1, 2003, 11:00:14 AM, you wrote:

m> I like it. It's not "free" (as in libre), but that's only for a *small* portion
m> of the apps you get.

I certainly don't mind paying $ for something, but not $400-700 RH

m> Visit the website, and in particular, check out their "Top 10" list.
m> They pretty much hit that target. Resizing XP partition during install
m> - Yep. Attach Windows printers as easy as Windows - Yep. Attach Windows
m> network shares and join a domain as easy as Windows - Yep. Offer shares
m> to a Windows network as easy as Windows - Yep. Run Windows apps with
m> Codeweaver's Crossover Office - yep. Mozilla 1.3 with anti-aliased
m> fonts, and pre-installed Acrobat, RealPlayer, and Flash plugins.

Almost too easy, no fun setting up rc files <g>

m> For a Windows refugee, there's a lot there to like.

I can see that, like Mandrake in a way.

m> And it's based on Debian, so you can install anything in a Debian or
m> apt repository.

That is important.

m> I don't know of any other distros that have a Samba config that worked
m> out-of-the-box and accessed via the file manager. (Xandros uses the
m> XFM, a sort-of konqueror proprietary file manager/explorer that came
m> from Corel).

That is cool..

m> And I hear the upcoming 2.0 is even better and smoother (can't say more).

I wonder how it will do as a web / mail / DNS servers?

m> The downside - it's based on the gcc2.95 and libc5 (2.0 will address
m> this) and KDE2. But that was what was in woody (Debian stable release)
m> at the time (November, last year).

I don't mind that at all.  Later gcc's break the errno in a lot of c
programs, requiring a patch or perl search to fix. A pain in the butt.

m> And they hooked into *lots* of stuff in KDE, Mozilla, and Konqueror for
m> XFM to do the stuff it does. So, you really have to watch what you
m> upgrade (or pin things properly in your apt preferences).

Thanks for the info.

m> The user community is pretty active, I've only had to use support once,
m> and they responded quickly (email, 1-2 days).

good to know

m> This is the distro my wife and 4-year-old son use for "their" computer.
m> My son plays games and doesn't know/care about the OS. My wife had some
m> concerns about being "Micrsoft-free", but after using Mozilla and
m> OpenOffice, she only grumbles about running into IE-only stuff on the
m> web.

Would be good here too for the family..

m> But at least now she's grumbling that it's the *web site's fault*.
m> :=)

hee, hee...

m> She *loves* the adblock (mozdev.org) and popup-block features (builtin).
m> Now that adblock works on *flash* ads too... :=)

Yah, that is cool too,  I use webwasher, which takes care of that and a
lot more, like web dots, etc.

m> All in all - worth what I paid for it.

Thanks for your review... I appreciate it.

Best regards,

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