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Re: Streaming Server...
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, jerome wrote:
> does anyone know an opensource streaming server.. hopefully it should have the
> capability of streaming mp4...
Yes, I know of a streaming server:
Now, whether or not it can stream mp4 is a good question (one that I'd
like to know myself).
However, Litestream (and to that extent, Icecast) are the servers itself,
you still need something to do the encoding to connect to those servers.
What are you using for the encoding? Anything opensource? I'd be willing
to give it a try fwiw.
I will tell you that there is no security per se (ie, username/pass) to
connect to litestream, but we're willing to accept patches. Then again,
if you can get icecast working (despite all of the exploits) you're a
braver man than I.
> i tried using darwin but it has its own licensing... grrrrr...
I thought the darwin streaming server stuff was free (as in beer at
least). What's wrong with it?
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