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Extracting changes from Debian sources
I'm new to the Debian flavor of distros, but I'm really liking my Xandros.
Especially for folks that are looking at Lycoris and Lindows, although
I have not looked at the new Lycoris build 71 yet.
My question is below, but first some background.
I've put stable (woody), testing (sarge), and unstable (sid) entries in my
However, I've found a post that documents the following preferences file:
> Package: *
> Pin: release l=Xandros Networks
> Pin-Priority: 991
> Package: *
> Pin: release o=Xandros Corporation
> Pin-Priority: 991
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=stable
> Pin-Priority: 777
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=testing
> Pin-Priority: 444
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=unstable
> Pin-Priority: 333
And I *think* I understand what's happening when I do an
apt-get upgrade -t testing
It tells apt to upgrade from the testing branch, but the 991 pin-priority
for the Xandros packages will still prevent any Xandros packages from
being overwritten. Effectively, an "upgrade everything *but* stuff Xandros
has hacked on".
What I want to do (and my question) is how do I examine a .deb package
and determine that "release o=" or "release l=" settings for the pin?
In addition, once I have one of these hacked-by-xandros, how can I
download and extract the source .deb to see what their patches are?
I'm pretty sure to get the source, 'apt-get source package-name' is
all I need. How do I find, say, the source package Xandros is using
for 'nedit'?
I can grab the .deb using 'apt-get --reinstall -d install nedit' and
it will pull it down into /var/cache/apt/archives.
Then, 'dpkg-deb -I nedit.deb' will tell me all about it. Is 'release o='
the "Maintainer" from that 'dpkg-deb -I' command? Or is it from the Origin
field from the 'Release' file in the sources?
In this case, I cannot locate Xandros' publication of the sources for
the (I think) modified .deb packaging for nedit. Am I missing something here?
Their package is 'nedit_1:5.2-1.1.xandros2_i386.deb'.
How do I tell if they've modified the package from woody?
If they didn't modify it, why the special naming?
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