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Re: Where did you start?
Thanks for the help. Everyone's input was very informative.
mikec@silug.org wrote:
>The things that served me the best were O'Reilly's "UNIX in a Nutshell"
>book, and WROX presses' "Beginning Linux Programming"; it will get you
>started in shell programming, network programming, etc. (You need to know
>C in advance -- it's not a dummy book ). Those two should get you started
>in about any direction you want to go.
>Another helpful thing having good familiarity with hardware and network
>protocols. Programming in general too. I've found that if you know how
>the hardware operates (atleast generally), you already have a pretty good
>idea as to what the OS/application software has to be doing.
>Another handy thing would be to read the system init/shutdown scripts in
>/etc/init.d . You'll get familiar with shell programming and your system
>at the same time.
>Let me know want kind of help that was to you.
>On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Adam Born wrote:
>>Hi all! I'm a relative newbie to Linux (I've been playing
>>around/reading about it for almost a year now), and I know that many of
>>you have been working/playing with Linux for a while. I was wondering
>>how you got your start, and what you used to better yourselves (besides
>>the jump-into-the-deep-end-and-try-to-swim method). Funny stories,
>>anecdotes, and tales from the dark side would be much appreciated. (I
>>want to make sure that I'm not losing my mind :-) Thanks!
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