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Re: problems with making rpm's
On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 21:16, mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Do I just increment/change the release? Is it really that simple?
Well Mike,
I cannot answer this question directly, but I can say this much...
I've used SuSE for the past 3.5 years and I have found it to be very
forgiving when adding new packages and such. I've done plenty of
compiling on my SuSE boxes through the years, and it never ceases to
amaze me that it's so cooperative. :)
I'd give it a try in the source direction. I mean, you can just as
easily remove the files and reinstall the rpm if things go flaky! :)
HTH & good luck!
St. Charles LUG
It Takes 43 muscles to Frown and 17 to Smile, But It Doesn't Take Any To
Just Sit There With A Dumb Look On Your Face.
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