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Re: PostFix?

At 03:21 PM 3/21/2003, you wrote:

>ok lee what kind of problems are you having configuring postfix, i think 
>i've still got a setup of it (or a backup config from the mail server at 
>my previous job) at home that with a little bit of time i should be able 
>to answer some questions
>Bob T. Kat

Hi Bob,

TTFR! I was just sending you a reply from your other post. Basically, my 
concern is that PF seems to be designed as a 'single domain' MTA - for example:

1) There is no 'local domains' list. What is the equivalent for PF where I 
can define valid local domains?

2) Where is the Virtual User Database (not local aliases - e.g. map an 
entire domain to a single local or remote mailbox)?

3) PF equivalent of Authorized Relay Domains (i.e. domains where we are 
secondary MX)?

I have been reading all the FAQs I can find, and I have it installed on a 
OBSD 3.3 box to play with, but I am leery of moving our production mail 
config until I can get a handle on managing our domain structure.



    Leland V. Lammert                                lvl@omnitec.net
       Chief Scientist                         Omnitec Corporation
   Network/Internet Consultants              www.omnitec.net

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