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Linux Development tools

I hope this question will not be ill-received.

I am looking for some suggestions for two software 
development applications that run under Linux.   

The first tool is a ERD tool, similar to ErWin.  It does 
not have to "Talk" to the database or reverse engineer; 
nor does it have to generate and SQL.  While it would be 
nice for it interface with Oracle, it does not have to. 
 Right now I am using DIA and OpenOffice.  

The second tool is an Oracle IDE, similar to TOAD or SQL 
Navigator.  Oracle has this functionality built-in to 
JDeveloper.  However, I use Eclipse as my Java IDE and see 
no reason to have more than one Java development tool. 
Right now, I am using SQLPlus and gedit:(  

Ideally, I would like to find plug-ins for Eclipse.  There 
are a few "half-way" decent plug-ins, but they are either 
too generic (SQL Entry tool), or very buggy.

Since I am a new member and do not know the "Atmosphere" 
around here, I will state that I would LOVE to spend the 
time and develop these tools myself...keeping with the 
Open Source ethic.  Unfortunately, I have to spend too 
much of my time with other software development efforts 
and have to keep the "work, family, life" balance too :-)

BTW: Are there any people in this group developing 
software in Java?  My guess is that most of the people in 
the Linux community subscribe to LAMP, I am more of a JOLA 
(Java, Oracle, Linux, Apache).



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