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Re: OT: Wanted: Dead WD600 Hard Drive

On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 03:18:39PM -0500, William Underwood wrote:
> It was recommended to me that I try a 3Ware IDE card, but I don't
> have one...

I've got an old 5000-series card you could try, although I can't swear
it will be any better than the on-board IDE.  (Of course, it can't
hurt to try...)

It's a shame I don't have any spare 7000-series cards.  Those things
are bullet-proof.  On two different occasions now, I've attached
drives with bad sectors to one and managed to recover more than I

BTW, the problem you're having with the WD drive sounds like what
happens when they're jumpered incorrectly.  For whatever reason, WD
drives are *really* picky about how they're jumpered.  For example,
some drives will only work when jumpered for Cable Select, where other
drives refuse to work on Cable Select.  Usually removing all the
jumpers (usually that's the single-drive configuration) and putting
the drive on a cable by itself will work, but you might want to try a
couple of other combinations too.

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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