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Re: [lug] mount NTFS (fwd)
Richard H. Fifarek
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Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 16:50:49 -0700
From: John E. Koontz <koontz@boulder.nist.gov>
Reply-To: lug@lug.boulder.co.us
To: lug@lug.boulder.co.us
Cc: linuxluke_20@hotmail.com, carl.wagner@level3.com
Subject: Re: [lug] mount NTFS
Per various people of the past year, but never answered succinctly:
>How do I mount an NTFS partition in RH 7.3? Is there something unique I
>need to set up before I can just use the mount command? ...
>Is there a way to get the kernel module for NTFS without having to rebuild
>the whole kernel? I want to grab some files from my nt partition.
The answers always seem to go down various byways.
I've recently noticed: "Attention RedHat users. If you want NTFS support,
you now need only install an RPM to get it.
" http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/index.html
John E. Koontz
NIST 896.04 PCSG
N39° 59' 42.1" W 105° 15' 49.7"
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