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Re: Perl808: Updating ActiveState perl docs

mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

does that mean you can do recursive updates to word docs?

> Another 808ilicious perl 1-liner for rebuilding ActiveState HTML Perl docs.
> For example, after you've added Perl modules using CPAN or manually instead
> of through their PPM tool. (PPM should call these automatically).
> > perl -MActivePerl::DocTools \
> > -e 'ActivePerl::DocTools::UpdateHTML;ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC'
> Or, get Pod::Master for a generic solution for systems that don't use
> ActiveState, or want to use a different stylesheet.
> BTW, ActiveState specifically removes the ability to generate the POD or
> docs for these modules from their installation of Perl. Whether or not their
> modification to perldoc to do this is a "feature" or not, is debateable.
> i.e. perldoc ActivePerl::DocTools returns nothing.
> Mike808/
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