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Re: sound and cardbus stuff
alsa is definately misnamed
Stephen D Reindl wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 21:49, mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> > > Gee. Thanks for all the wonderful advice. I'll muddle through on my own.
> >
> > Hey, why is it our problem we don't have your goofy hardware that doesn't work?
> That was supposed to be an attempt at sarcasm ( in the midst of my
> frustration) Nate now has a really bad attitude about Linux. If it aint
> NetBSD he doesn't want to mess with it without grumbling and bitching.
> > Is a "generic AC97" sound card support a selection?
> > BTW, that chip has builtin MPEG-2 AC3 (aka MP3) support.
> alsa seems to want some AC97 stuff, so I'm not sure.
> >
> > I also found this patch from last August for the 2.5 kernels.
> > Maybe you can backport it.
> > Maybe Mikec can give you some of his extra "gotos". :=)
> OK. So we forgot who we're talking about here. [tap tap] hello?! My name
> is Steve and I'm really really stooopid. ;-P
> <really huge snippage>
> > Note that last entry: It implies *ALSA* support. I'm guessing *your* chip
> > comes up with the previous PCI device ID, and doesn't get recognized.
> > Maybe a different stepping?
> installed the driver, libs and utils according to Garp. When I modprobe
> snd-cs46xx it tells me device not found. Played a little with memory
> address and IRQ's but didn't work.
> > Does that help?
> No, but I doubt that much would 8^(
> Steve
> A man who doesn't know how to dance has sex with alot of waitresses.
> Voltaire
> -
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