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Re: building rpms

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 07:08:26PM +0000, mike808@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Well, if you give folks the binary RPM, you *must* also give them (per GPL) 
> the source changes to your "patches". What I talked about above was the
> part about stopping at various points along the way.
so are you saying that the ltsp project is in violation of the GPL??  they only give a binary version of their kernel, according to the kernel build steps (to build from a pristine kernel) all you have to do is patch the kernel with nfs-swap support and configure a few things (which is proving worse and worse as i go because i'm not sure which things might affect ltsp or floppyd), actually if we had a source rpm this wouldn't have taken very long to fix and i would be very happy right now, i'll check out what those projects did thanks mike

Bob T. Kat

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