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Re: Wells Fargo

> I had an interview with Charter the other day and was told I'd get into
> trouble if I was caught providing customer service to Linux OS users.

i get this with sbc as well, when they asked what OS i was using i said, 
well, i got solaris, irix, and linux here.  the guy then asked, do have 
have any windows?  we can't help you if you don't have windows.  

WTF?  what in the hell does it matter what i run on my end of the 
connection?  after much contemplation, i realized that they can't afford 
to hire people who know about alternative OS's because the people who know 
enough about them wouldn't be working for these companies, they would be 
out in the industry earning real money instead of the pittance that most 
tech support people make.  the sad part of this all is, those people up at 
3rd tier are more than happy to help you with this since most of them do 
it at home.  but, they also told me to tell them that i am running window 
and nothing else.  that is the only way that i will be able to get my 
profile reset in the dslam.  *sigh*


Tighe Schlottog         workape         fiaid
"Nothing is too cruel if it is funny enough."

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