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Re: Puzzling Linux + Networking Question

How old is the suse box?  Suse has been running a 2.4 kernel for a while
now, and on one of my suse 6.4 boxes I was running a 2.3.99 kernel
(don't ask I needed a piece of functionality that wasn't in 2.2 right
then) before 2.4 was even on kernel.org, I've never had a problem
running a higher kernel than what was with the distro with suse

Bob T. Kat 

just putting in my .0083 pounds 

-----Original Message-----
From: silug-discuss-owner@silug.org
[mailto:silug-discuss-owner@silug.org] On Behalf Of KoReE
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:29 AM
To: silug-discuss@silug.org
Subject: Re: Puzzling Linux + Networking Question

heh.  Looks like I'll probably just throw redhat 7.3 on there.  Probably
be easier than upgrading the kernel on that SuSE box.  What's the URL
your example iptables script again?


Koree A. Smith  | Ameth Technologies
koree@koree.net | koree@ameth.org

I was walkin' down the street,
when I thought I heard this voice say,
"Say, ain't we walkin' down the same street,
together on the very same day",
And I said,
"Hey senorita, that's astute", I said,
"Why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute"

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Steven Pritchard wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 09:45:32PM -0600, KoReE wrote:
> > hrm.  That means upgrading kernel as well, eh?  dammit...
> If you are still running 2.2.x, you should upgrade anyway.
> If you are running anything remotely close to current with a 2.4.x
> kernel, you just need to switch from using ipchains to iptables.  Both
> work on 2.4.
> Steve
> --
> steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
> (618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
> Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/
> -
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