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Re: dial up with winxp

On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 11:49:50AM -0500, Bob T. Kat wrote:
> So tcp/ip was "pooched" as we used to say at the isp.

Oh, I feel a rant coming on.  Must... fight... it...

I'm going to try to tell an amusing story here.  My apologies in
advance if this turns into a rant.  :-)

So several years ago I was working a job where I was sysadmin/tech
support for a disturbing number of Windows 95 systems.  As you can
probably imagine, our first answer to any Windows problem was to
reboot and try again.  This answered well over half of our calls.
When someone had a problem with print quality on one of the (many,
many) laser printers, we told them to shake the toner cartridge.  This
would usually get another couple hundred pages out of it before it
needed to be replaced.

So one day one of the guys in my group overheard one of the data entry
people say something along the lines of "All those tech guys ever do
is tell us to reboot or shake the toner cartridge."  At first, we were
all somewhat offended, but it quickly turned into a joke.  Any time
one of us got off the phone, someone would say "Did you tell them to
reboot and shake the toner cartridge?"

If you ever hear me say "reboot, shake the toner cartridge" when
someone is having one of these inexplicable Windows problems, now
you'll know why. :-)

Wow, I actually managed not to go on about how unmanageable Windows
is.  ;-)

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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