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Re: HTML vs. Plain Text E-Mail (was: RE: www.freeswan.org)

william give me back my crack pipe and turn off the computer.  ;)

> Tim Coffey wrote:
> > Of course I already knew all of this and I choose to use HTML
> > multipart because I like the text formatting that it allows.
> Well, if you're big enough to admit that you're deliberately obtuse and
> inconsiderate, I suppose I should apologize too.  So, I apologize for
> making an off-handed, idle comment, NOT meant to offend anyone, but to
> simply be an observation...
> As for text formatting, what extras did you mean to get across in that
> message?
> Did the red line mean THAT YOU WERE YELLING?
> Or were you _just_trying_to_make_a_point_?
> Either way, I think your attitude is *rather* silly.
> But, t3xT F0rM@77in9 is always done at the authors discretion, so feel
> free to continue in whatever manner you prefer.  I, personally, prefer
> plain text as my email format.
> My apologies,
> William

Tighe		w00t		blumnky
	"I am anger incarnate."
	"Oh yeah?  I toss poo."

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