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Re: hmmmm....

>Also, the LTSP project looks to be something that they might want to do.  

Whoo-hoo!  30 winterms for $6.00!  Complete with monitor, keyboard, and 
mouse: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2025832989

I know, you're thinking "What the hell is he talking about?  Winterms?  
WTF!"  Well, according to the link below, they have a riser card, which 
means we can add whatever we need, or add a bootable flashdisk or 
ATA-ramdisk, or maybe even replace the boot rom...

I was just thinking, that between these terminals, a decent server 
(possibly donated for testing/demonstration by Steve), and the downloads 
from k12ltsp.org (Thank you, Kara, for the reference.), we'd be all ready 
to demonstrate a working lab to any school interested in the concept.

So, have any of you a vehicle which can be driven to Houston, to pick up 30 
monitors, keyboards, mice, and terminal units?  I don't (My poor old truck 
wouldn't make it.), but if I did, or they were local, I'd be all over it!  
I'd be willing to help drive/ride-along on the trip, plus, I think I can 
even get a place to stay overnight for free, provided you don't mind 
sleeping on a couch or the floor.


William Underwood

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