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Re: rants and rambles

I have this whole theory about why 99.9% of people who use windows will never understand 
anything about how things work(it applies very well to webmin also).  It's very similar to 
how you cannot learn how to drive a car by watching someone else drive it.

-Jamon Terrell

4/26/2002 7:47:29 PM, Nate Reindl <reindlnr@apci.net> wrote:

>Stephen D Reindl <sreindl@apci.net> shamlessly rambles:
>> Playing this morning I learned several things.
>> lpd will not work when you rename localhost to something other than 
>> localhost. Seems basic but when it can't find a localhost IP it won't print.
>> Lesson learned?  Don't do that! I couldn't get my jetdirect to work. I wonder 
>> why? All is fine now. I can print to my network printer now! YeeHaa!
>> Webmin is a wonderful tool. I know all you command line only dorks are gonna 
>> kringe, but I don't care. If I play with it enough I'll finally gain an 
>> understanding of the file and directory structure and maybe my feeble mind 
>> will actually recall the locations and contents of all the different config 
>> files. It's all there at my fingertips. All I need is a table capable browser 
>> and the URL http://localhost:10000 and the root password and I'm in, even 
>> from my normal user account. I think it's kinda cool, so there. Found a few 
>> things that I didn't know were there. OBTW, Webmin will not install correctly 
>> when localhost isn't there either, hmmmm wonder why? Duh?!
>There's a file in /etc called 'hosts'.  Windows has the exact same conventions 
>buried somewhere in \win(nt|dows)\system or \win(nt|dows)\system32.  Change 
>your hostname and add yourself in there with the changed hostname.  _*DO_NOT*_ 
>remove the localhost entry!  I think the stock /etc/hosts in RH > 6.2 tells one 
>not to with the result of Bad Things happening Real Soon After.  Just change 
>your hostname the way you happened to do it (trivial), and do what I said 
>above.  'Nuff said here.
>I'm stepping in on Webmin; likewise, I'm defying my father's rules.  I loathe 
>pretty web-based config interfaces to the point to where I won't use most of 
>them.  I like using commandline stuff or web based interfaces I write myself, 
>damnit.  It's still there at your fingertips in the commandline; you just have 
>to remember some real nasty commands and arguments however. :D
>I suggest you all pull my plug before I advance even further and go full out on 
>my Webmin rant.
>Ich glaube, daß ihr sollt mein Netzstecker ziehen, vor ich vorrücke weiter über 
>meinem Webmin Wortschwall.  Spaß, ja?
>Nate Reindl  <<  OTHS Web Mastah  <<  Resident Luser at Large
> '---> email:  alles gehen nach reindlnr bei apci dot net
>GAT d-- s a--- C++ UL+++>++++ P++++ L+++>++++ E+++ W+++$ N++ o+ K---- w--- O-
>M-- V-- PS+++ PE+++ Y PGP+ t+@ 5++ X R* tv-- b++ DI+ D+++ G+++>++++ e* h! r% z?
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