We ran this one into the ground the last time. I want to
learn. If it leads to certification fine. If not se la
vie. It could be an avenue to a raise, yes. It could mean that you get hired over a similarly
experienced person, yes. It could be added to a business card after your name, yes. It could be used to cover a hole in the wall, yes. It could be a way of validating the LPI track, yes. It could. It’s a way to learn and gain experience. If you are
certified and/or have experience attend the gatherings and SHARE! It could lead
to a part time job teaching at the local Junior College for Saturday night beer
money. Cheeks in palms, shaking head to and fro! I’m a aircraft mechanic, I
have not considered the monetary value of certification. I agree with Tighe, as does Nate, users are evil! I am my own user, kinda like being my own boss. If I can help spread the
Gospel of Open Source and Linux by actually knowing what I’m talking
about, then I have accomplished my goal. Steps down from the soapbox! Steve I have no idea which email address
these messages are being sent from. I’ve got things all screwed up here.
Jeez! |