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Re: SILUG Presentation

Hey all,

Does anyone have access to a projection screen.  The golf club where the
event is taking place doesn't have one and I've been told the wallpaper on
the walls where we'll be giving the presentation is not conducive to
displaying a projected image.  Anyone?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-silug-discuss@silug.org
[mailto:owner-silug-discuss@silug.org]On Behalf Of Steven Pritchard
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 11:02 PM
To: silug-discuss@silug.org
Subject: Re: SILUG Presentation

James L. Burke said:
> Therefore, I thought some SILUG members might want to show up and help
> answer questions and, especially for those of you who consult for a
> you could help demonstrate in person that there are professionals who can
> support Open Source Software and help small businesses take advantage of
> this licensing alternative.

Hmm...  Sounds like something I can help with.  :-)  I'll be there.

> If anyone is interested in helping out with this event it should only take
> about an hour and a half of your time.  I would like to have some
> expertise available for the possible Windows NT advocate/heckler (though
> truthfully I could probably handle two MCSE's with one hand tied behind my
> back) and it might also be interesting to have some cool demo's.  I will
> only have my laptop running Red Hat 6.2 there to give the presentation on
> ... if someone wanted to bring a box to let people see other things
> that might be good.  Remember, these are business owners ... they may not
> find the latest compiler very interesting, but a demo of the latest
> of Ximian Evolution might get their attention ... anyway ...

I have two laptops running KDE 2.1 and some recent version of GNOME
(both Red Hat 7.1).  Either would be good for presentations.  It might
be a good idea to talk in advance and work out some ideas for eye

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/
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