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Re: tomorrow's meeting?

I'm going to do a little short diddy on GRUB and I think Nate wants to
aggrevate you with a thing on PHP and probably some blackbox themes. Other
than that "I don't know what is going on"!

Should I bring a 'puter. I have a mid tower with RH7.1 or my ShtinkPad.

Steve and Nate

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Pritchard" <steve@silug.org>
To: <silug-discuss@silug.org>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: tomorrow's meeting?

> OK, so what the heck is the plan for tomorrow's meeting?  I need to
> send out an announcement, and I think people are tired of my "I don't
> know what is going on" announcements.  :-)
> Steve
> --
> steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
> (618)398-7320             | See web site for meeting details.
> Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/
> -
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