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Re: Poll: What is your favourite HTTP scripting language?

Nate Reindl said:
> I'm doing this just for the sake of conversation on silug-discuss. Feel free
> to reply.

Heh...  OK, I'll bite.  Of course, my opinion may not count for
much...  I consider the web a necessary evil.  :-)

> PS: I use PHP, personally : )

I like Perl.  Unlike PHP, Perl is useful for a *lot* more than web
development.  Most of my web work requires some backend scripts to
function...  I can share a lot of code between the backend and the web

Personally, I use Apache::ePerl.  It's incredibly easy to set up (perl
-MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Apache').  It lets you embed Perl in much
the same manner as PHP.  Various other packages let you do the same
thing but with more support for generating tables, session management,
etc., but I haven't needed that sort of thing (yet).  Since it is all
Perl, I would expect my existing code to mostly just work under those
various other packages (HTML::Mason, Embperl, etc.).

For more information about using Perl and Apache together, see the
following sites:


There are a bunch of other interesting links on the main mod_perl
page (the first URL).

Oh, something I'd love to try one of these years is Zope...  Of
course, since I particularly care for Python, I found this
interesting...  :-)


steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7320             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/
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