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FVHTs SILUG Study Group

To All Concerned:
This past Friday night the Fairview Heights SILUG Study Group did, in fact, meet as scheduled, and it was not just one person (thanks Doug!).  As discussed in past meetings, the decision was made final to take a spring/summer/early fall break from meeting every other week.  So, for now, the FVHTs SILUG Study Group is not meeting again until this fall, at a date yet to be determined.
In the meantime, all are greatly encouraged to attend the monthly FVHTs SILUG meetings held the third Tuesday night of the month at the SRA facilities.
Also, anyone that might be interested in the Study Group - please email me, talk to me at the SILUG meetings, or let someone else in the Study Group know.  We welcome everyone.  And since the fall meeting dates are yet to be determined, now is the time to jump in and let your preferences be known for meeting times, as well as topics or curriculum to be covered.
In summary, no FVHTs SILUG Study Group meetings for the summer, with meeting times and curriculum for the fall to be decided during the time off.
Enjoy the Sunshine!